Free Ebook Sophia The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton

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Get Sophia The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton

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Get Sophia The Hidden Christ of Thomas Merton

While numerous studies have celebrated Thomas Merton's witness as an interfaith pioneer, poet, and peacemaker, there have been few systematic treatments of his Christology as such, and no sustained exploration to date of his relationship to the Russian Sophia" tradition. This book looks to Thomas Merton as a "classic" theologian of the Christian tradition from East to West, and offers an interpretation of his mature Christology, with special attention to his remarkable prose poem of 1962, Hagia Sophia. Bringing Merton's mystical-prophetic Vision fully into dialogue with contemporary Christology, Russian sophiology, and Zen, as well as figures such as John Henry Newman and Abraham Joshua Heschel, the author carefully but boldly builds the case that Sophia, the same theological eros that animated Merton's religious imagination in a period of tremendous fragmentation and violence, might infuse new vitality into our own.A study of uncommon depth and scope, inspired throughout by Merton's extraordinary catholicity.Christopher Pramuk, PhD, is assistant professor of theology at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of two books and numerous essays, and the recipient of the Catholic Theological Society of America's 2009 Catherine Mowry LaCugna Award." Joyce Rupp Homepage Some of Sr Joyce Rupps most perennially popular books have been collections of her original prayers blessings poems and reflections In Prayer Seeds the Thomas Aquinas - Wikipedia Saint Thomas Aquinas Saint Augustine Saint Albertus Magnus Saint Paul of Tarsus Saint Ambrose Saint Jerome Saint Gregory the Great Saint Benedict Saint John Paul II Charles Eaton: wake for the melancholy shipwreck When John passed through St Katharines gate and saw the Charles Eaton for the first time he had no reason to be displeased She was a fine-looking barque Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site The Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site is an attempt to gather in one place many of the public domain records for genealogical research in Delaware County HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY - Jesus Christ HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY The following is a capsule summary of the top 25 events in the History of Christianity events which shaped the Church itself Desperately seeking Sophia USCatholicorg Desperately seeking Sophia The biblical Sophia is more than metaphor; she is an expression of the presence of God Superstition - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic Online These causes explain the origin and spread of superstition in the pagan world They were to a large extent eliminated by the preaching of Christianity; but so deep Ignatius Press "Don't be so judgmental!""Why are Christians so intolerant?""Why can't we just coexist?"In an age in which preference has replaced morality many people find it Thomas Merton: The Catholic Buddhist Mystic - Way of Life The following is excerpted from our book Contemplative Mysticism: A Powerful Ecumenical Bond This book is available from Way of Life Literature PO Box 610368 List of University of Oxford people - Wikipedia This page serves as a central navigational point for lists of more than 2350 members of the University of Oxford divided into relevant groupings for ease of use
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